File Structure
Go-Mojito expects a certain file structure by default for the resources folder. You can change that too of course. Apart from that, the file tree below shows our suggestion for a solid project structure.
- handlers
Handler Code
- handler.go Handles Home View
- models DB Models
- resources
Static Files
- assets
CSS, Images, Scripts
- style.css Website Styling
- templates
Mojito Templates
- Layout
- Default.mojito Default Layout
- Home.Mojito Home View
- Layout
- assets
CSS, Images, Scripts
- services Data Providers
- go.mod
- go.sum
- main.go Starting Point
For your Go Code there is no specific structure Go-Mojito expects. The Resources folder is the only exception, as it contains static files that need to be accessed at runtime. You can change the path of the resources directory, as well as the subpaths for both assets and templates. We recommend you leave it as is though.